Sunday, 30 January 2011



this is the weapon that the north Corina government are building secretly. its an EMP weapon but of a much larger and more deadly scale. the weapon has the ability to super charge electrical objects to let out deadly Serge's of electricity destroying the item and killing or destroying anything near by. its deployed to an area were their is a lightning storm from full effect.

it can be dropped from the air but its designed to be dropped from space from specially designed satellites, once on the ground its remote activated and its effects can range up to hundreds of miles wiping out major electrical power stations and even cause nuclear power plants to go critical.

the weapon is designed to cripple a country and is built to be as harmless to mass population as possible. it is capable of disabling communication on a mass scale isolating city's and towns and its capable of being amped up to cause power station to go nuclear and dams to overload.

now i have modeled it in 3D starting off with a cube and changed it using the edit poly tool and copying the quarter cube shape so closed its cuboid and when it opens it has a diamond shaped hollow space in the middle. i then animated it opening then using a basic particle system to animate the weapon charging up assigned a shape to the particle emitter and crated different surfaces for them to react and bounce of to get the desired effect.

This is my finished result, i have animated the cube opening and building up a charge using a particle system. after the weapon is fully charged it would go onto the next stage where a masive shock wake exploads outwards in a massive electrical shockwave.



This is my finished character sheet If you look at the previous sheet you can see how i started. First i used the photos i took of myself as a base image as a way of getting the proportions prefect, then i traced myself and added all of the extra detail, Armour and weaponry ect, i then colored myself and overlayed a photo of myself over the drawn image to get a kind of cell shaded effect.

after drawing my old character profile sheet i struggled with the proportions. i tried a few different ways to get around this problem like transforming the images in photoshop but this didn't quite work. i decided to use my old army uniform and take photos of myself and tracing myself. i will have to decided if i am going to be my own character using photographs of myself at a template to create a character.


This is my first attempt of my main characters spread sheet. i wanted to start with a basic model and have layers of clothing and accessory's ect but i wasn't happy with the proportions of the sketch. to get it right i decided to take pictures of me in the poses i needed in my old army uniform.
the principles behind this first sheet were good i wanted to start from a basic torso and to create every detail from his boots to his weapon and have them each layered up to switch at your own convenience. keeping to my time restrictions i was spending to long and needed a solution that's when i terned to using myself and a template and strike different poses to then sketch the appropriate detail on top.

Monday, 10 January 2011



I wanted to look at programs for doing tree proceadral genaration, i found one called onyx this one in perticular in one in a sirese of onyx programs that symphosyse the groth of plants and trees to create 3d modles. It can create a range of difrent trees including palm trees which is perfect for the type of invoroment my game will be set in.

It terns out sandbox 2 had its own easy to use procedral genaration of its own but i wanted to no how to make my own. After talking with my teacher about the different methods form making trees this is a sketch later i took this and used it as a template to recreate in 3DS Max. Over the holidays i was set the task of trying different ways to model trees and to try and create some other objects such as plants and rocks.

One way was to create the hole ting using 3d objects, again using sketches i was able to make the palm trunk and leaves. The rock was a just a sphere with noise modifiers added to distort the shape.

another method would be to have pains and a trunk shaped sphere useing an alpha layer so that when i render the finished tree the black area wont be visible leaving me with nice looking palm leaves and bump maping for the detail on the trunk.