after a talk with my teacher i got allot more clarity about what i wanted to do. i am creating a game influenced by the crysis jungle theme but i am aiming to create as much textures and models and import them into sandbox. by the end i want a basic level but more importantly i want a decent cut scene featuring my imported textures and models.
the new crysis comes out just before x-mas so im going to focus on the modeling and textures untill the new engine comes and and see how confident i feel moving forward to use that insted. the advantages being the graphics will be laot nicer and new features and the disadvantage would be that i would have to lern the program all over again.
here are some textures i have made thay arnt the best but the more i make the better i will get i also have a program that alows you to create 3D bumpmaping for the texture so expect to see that later on.

after makeing them into a seamless its now time to add the difrent layers of maping to add depth and extra detail to make the 2d image seem 3d.

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