Again to get these finished storyboard's i had to first draw the frames in pencil i then start adding basic layers of colour and super imposing the colour over my sketches. the next stage is to add shading and then to go in and individually adding small details, i finish it all off by using the clone tool and a low opacity to clone photo sources over my own images.

Finished Colour

Here is the same process again it starts shortly after you have gone over the waterfall in the last frame, following the river round to find a wooden house with a pear then on to find a small village this later got changed to a small research complex to relate to the game more, then it pans out to look over the jungle at dusk the it zooms high over the canape of the jungle out to sea.

after i have drawn it in pencil i scan it onto my computer and colouring it using sketchbook pro using multiple layers for depth and detail then using photshop and merge and overlay photo's of foliage and rocks and sky to add effect.
It starts if in the dense jungle Flor focused on a butterfly on a banana leaf, then zoom out to reveal some mangrove trees with a pool in the background the pool would lead to a stream which winds and leads to a waterfall.
This storyboard will be used to show off the map i have created using sandbox 2 engine for end crysis. The map is set in a set of jungle islands off the coast of Korea. the finished result will be a video covering the path the player will take as they play the first level. While drawing the storyboard i had in mind what i wanted it to look like in 3d.

This storyboard will be used to show off the map i have created using sandbox 2 engine for end crysis. The map is set in a set of jungle islands off the coast of Korea. the finished result will be a video covering the path the player will take as they play the first level. While drawing the storyboard i had in mind what i wanted it to look like in 3d.
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